I'm in the busiest time ever in my life. there's a lot of thing i've to finish, however there's still time for posting ;p
actually today is a holiday and I think that's why I have time to do this. but i still have to prepare my final exams on monday..eerrghh. after the final exam, there will be UAN and UAS...oh maannn! when will i be free? zzzzzzzz
i was backing up some data from my cell phone and i found this amazing picure..

first of all, can you read it? okay, I tell you that that's my name : FEBRIZCA
but take a look at the other side of this picture..it has been rotated

can you see the different?it says my boyfriend's name : FABREGAS
it was created by me when i had nothing to do, and i remembered about my friend, shasha, that she has that kind of text, but it says natasha and william. btw, thanks for the idea sha!
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